Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Project 111

Originally posted on May 6, 2013
       Today, I had several ideas merge into one. For quite some time, I have pondered the idea of a long distance walk; not 4 miles, but 100+ miles. I have seen the guys walking, carrying a cross, and was moved by the message that it demonstrates in taking up our cross and following Jesus. I have started a book titled Follow Me by David Platt. I really want to get the message out that being a true follower of Christ is about more than just repeating some words in a prayer. I have wondered how my youth group could raise funds for what we do each year: our budget consists of whatever we can raise.
       All of these ideas came together as I decided to see if I could walk from the steps of our church, in Anderson, to the steps of our state capital in Columbia. I found that if you map the trip, on the internet, as a walking trip, you will travel 111 miles, one way. It also indicates that it would take 36 hours. I believe that by leaving at 12 noon, on a Sunday, it would be possible to return by 11AM the following Sunday. It would be exhausting and, as a disabled veteran (leg and back), I would need a whole lot of prayer (my own as well as that of others) to complete this mission.
       If people, along the way, were to ask my name, I could reply with “Who I am is unimportant. Who Jesus is is of utmost importance.” When asked why I am doing it, I could respond with “I am demonstrating physically so that people will be reminded to respond spiritually.”
       I will need to work out the details of sleeping arrangements, but I am sure that I can prearrange accommodations prior to the trip. I would love to have the support of churches, along the way, that may be able to supply meals that can be eaten, on the go, and not prevent me from walking.
       I could walk from 7AM to 7PM and cover 37 miles each day. I could walk each day’s journey while listening to the Bible, music and preaching. If others wished to join me, then we could have prayer together or bible discussions, as we walked along. Rain or shine, I would not be deterred.
       As a fund-raiser, I would ask people to sponsor me per mile. If someone were to sponsor me @ $1 per mile (a pittance compared to the cost of most mission endeavors), then that person would, at the conclusion of the journey, owe $111 to the youth group fund. With only 20 sponsors, we could raise over $2220. Of course we would accept smaller sponsorships or even one-time gifts. If I did this at the first of the summer (June 9th-16th), then I could use the money to take all of my youth group to church camp.
       I am getting excited to think that this might actually happen.
May 13th update: I presented the idea to my congregation yesterday. Overwhelming support! Looks like the start date might be June 16th. Campmeeting is the week of the 9th.
May 15th update: Last week, I walked to days; 4 miles the first and 6 miles the second. I averaged 4 mph each time (I have mapped out my 111 miles @ 3 mph). Yesterday, I walked 10 miles in 2.5 hours, maintaining my 4 mph. I can hardly walk today. I must have some athritis where my big toe joins my left foot and where my right leg meets the hip. Pray, people, pray!