My Bucket List

I saw this on someone's blob and thought that it was a good idea.

You could say that my journey is at least half over. Before I kick the bucket, there are many things that I would like to do or see. Here is my list (I will add to it as needed):

I want to see:
  • Israel- I long to walk where my Savior walked.
  • Scotland
  • Safari in Africa, not in a zoo. I want to get near enough to the animals to take their pictures.
  • The Grand Canyon
  • Mt. Rushmore
  • The Alamo
  • Hawaii and all the volcanoes and stuff there
  • Ireland
    • Northern Ireland
  • The Statue of Liberty
I want to experience:
  • I want to be a Grandfather. I will be a wonderful grandfather.
  • I want to see my sons become strong in their faith and leaders for Christ in their families and lives.
  • I want to grow old (some day in the distant future) with Tammy.
  • I want to fly a plane. Not a big one.
  • I want to spend a few days as an old-time cowboy, riding through places John Wayne would have gone.