How could anyone think that an evangelist can "preach a revival?" Shouldn't we say that "the Evangelist preach a series of evangelistic services?" I know that it is merely a matter of semantics, but as a teacher, I try to cut through all the clutter and teach truth at the heart of the matter. Less confusion equals greater understanding. For decades, preachers have been brought into churches for days, weeks, and even months to hold revival services. When did we, as the body of believers, start to believe that having "a revival" would bring actual revival. After all, if I am sick and dying and you bring in a great doctor, can he help me if I haven't become proactive towards my own personal healing first? In other words, how can I be part of revival unless I seek revival for myself first. Sure, an evangelist can visit and preach great, fiery sermons, that stir the soul and stoke the fires of my emotions, but does he have the strength to carry revival into the church?
Check out 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) ...if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
- If Christians
- pray
- know him so well that you know his will without words, instead of seeking his hands and his handouts
- turn from sin, instead of trying to find loopholes and justifications for them. "Being a Christan is less about cautiously avoiding sin but much more about courageously & actively doing God's will."
- He will listen
- Our lives are transformed
Our pastor has been preaching, for the past few weeks, about what revival is and isn't. He has hit the nail on the head. Does this mean that evangelism should be abolished? No way, Jose! Does this mean that evangelists should stop trying? Perish the thought! Does this mean that Christians should get up of their collective backsides and stop treat the church as a religious welfare system? You betcha! Our revival as a church will stem from our revival as an individual. Remember Deuteronomy 6: it basically says that we should read, write it, put it where we can see it, learn it, remember it, do it.
What are we waiting for?
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