Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Study in Forgiveness: 1 of ?

       You may want to read this entry first (http://whatsupwithchristianity.blogspot.com/2011/01/understanding-nature-prelude-to-study.html)
       I want to understand the concept of forgiveness. I see many ideas that are passed off as forgiveness, but I think that many people are not fully aware of what forgiveness really means or what it costs us. If I believe that God has a plan for my future and that the plan which he has is contingent on the choices I make, can I forego forgiving someone when I perceive that they have wronged me? Do I expect that non-believers will act contrary to their nature? Do I expect believers to be more spiritually mature than I myself am?
       So I opened my Bible and flipped to the dictionary/concordance and looked up forgive(n)(ness)(s). It defined it thusly: "to pardon or aquit of sins; acquittal;new lease on life". That was followed by about 24 references to the word 'forgive', in scripture.
       What follows are those references and short synopsis of each:
  • Numbers 5, 8, & 12....if a woman makes a vow and her husband or father don't allow it, then God will not hold her to it.
  • 2 Chronicles 6:25, 27...if there is repentance, there is forgiveness
  • Job 10:14...................Job laments
  • Psalm 25:7.................a plea for forgiveness
  • Psalm 32:1-5..............confessed sin and repentance brings forgiveness
  • Psalm 86:5 ................forgiveness for those who ask
  • Matthew 6:12 ............the "Lord's Prayer" teaches that we are to ask for forgiveness
  • Matthew 18:21...........never withhold forgivess
  • Matthew 26:28...........the blood of Christ is poured out for forgiveness
  • Mark 2:7...................Jesus accused of blasphamy
  • Mark 11:25................in prayer, forgive others before asking for forgiveness
  • John 20:23................."If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
  • Acts 10:49................."through his name"
  • Acts 26:18.................repentance before forgiveness
  • Romans 5:15..............gift of forgiveness
  • 2 Corinthians 2:10.......Paul's forgiveness of a wrongdoer
  • Hebrews 9:22............."...without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness."
  • 1 John 1:9..................confession before forgiveness
       So what is all of this saying to us? Before God forgives us we must first confess our sins and repent of said sins. Then we may ask for forgiveness and be sure to receive that forgiveness. Why do I state what, to many, seems so obvious? It is because there are those who would have us to believe the false teaching that "Jesus died for all of our sins; past present and future, therefore I cannot sin my way out of heaven." While it is true that Christ died for ALL of our sins (past, present, and future), that does not mean that we are covered by a blanket of forgiveness that allows us to sin and not make things right. We cannot pray "God, you know that I am going out tonight, and I plan on sinning, so I want to take a moment and ask that you please forgive me for those future sins." Refer to one of my earlier posts for more about being a true follower of Christ: http://whatsupwithchristianity.blogspot.com/2011/03/true-followers.html
       So...questions arise about forgiving others and Christ's forgiveness of us. Do we recieve forgiveness if we don't ask for it? Do we recieve forgiveness if we don't repent? According to the scripture references that we read earlier in this post I would have to answer NO! & NO! Do you read it differently. Now, notice that I did not ask if you feel that it should be otherwise, or if you wish it was otherwise, or even if you believe it is otherwise. I asked if you read that it was otherwise. I believe in faith, but I also believe in evidence. Zechariah 3 shows Satan as an accuser before the throne of God. He presents evidence against mankind and God sits in judgement. Christ stands as our "defense attorney". Many things become more clear when we look at the evidence for or against a given argument. The scriptures we read are each pieces of evidence. People often state "...But, I believe blah, blah, blah". Who cares? (shame on me. That wasn't nice). But really...who cares what I believe if it is obviously contrary to what the word of God states. For instance, scripture says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. I can believe all day that Jesus was from Egypt, and thus African (as one coworker once told me) but my strong belief does not change the facts.
       So, you may ask, "what if a Christian were to rob a bank and get shot in the process and dies before they are able to make things right? Are you telling me that this person will not go to heaven?" Quit laughing, for just a moment and realize this was asked of me. Take any scenario where a supposed Christ-follower turns to a lifestyle of sin and goes to meet his maker in a state of unconfessed non-repentance. What does the evidence of scripture say? Does it provide "loopholes"?

Please leave your arguments, suggestions, and other comments. I relish your input.
This post will be continued... 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wow! How things have changed!

       Last year, I was blogging about our inability to tie into a church family. My! How things have changed! We visited a church that we had driven by on several occasions and really liked it. The Pastor was not scared to preach the truth. He was adament about avoiding a watered-down version of the truth. We have joined the church and after 6 months I find myself as the volunteer Youth Pastor. So much has happened...
       We wanted to find a church that would love us and allow us to serve. We have found that church. When my father-in-law passed away, they loved on us. We have become part of a church that needs people who want to serve God and God's people.

Check out our youth website @ 180 Student Ministries website or, for you mobile surfers, mobile site